Linguistic Analysis of Books: A Study of Language Variability
Linguistic Analysis of Books: A Study of Language Variability#
Patterns within written text are not the same across all authors or languages. This allows linguists to study the language of origin.
This study aims to explore the attributes of individual books within a collection encompassing diverse authors and languages. Specifically, the focus is on analyzing book lengths, quantifying unique word counts and investigating potential clustering patterns based on either languages or authorship.
The collection for this study consists of four languages:
.For each langauge, we have from one to four authors each,
authors in total.For each author, we have from one to sixteen book,
books in total.
Some authors have appeared in several language categories because their books are available as translations in several languages.
Task Description#
Task 1 - Writing the Function
Description: A function that takes string of text as input and counts the number of times each unique word appears.
Task 2 - Word Frequency Distribution Analysis
Description: Process the text data from various translations to determine the frequency of occurrence for each individual word.
Task 3 - Summary Statistics
Description: Computing the summary statistical measures, including mean word lengths for different translation.
Task 4 - Data Visualization
Description: Generating visually informative representations to convey distribution of word frequencies.
The best way to keep track of these words will be to associate each word with a counter. This can be done by using dictionaries. The keys will be words of type string
containing the input text, and the values are int
that indicate how many times each word appears in the text.
Initially, a test string named text
is generated to evaluate the function’s functionality during its development.
text = "This is my test text. We are keeping this text short to keep things manageable."
word_list = list(text.split())
When counting the number of unique words in a string, it is important to consider the following factors:
The presence of punctuation, such as full stops, as part of the word may result in an inflated word count. For instance, a word occuring in the middle of a sentence is counted seperately when it reappears at the end of a sentence, followed by a full stop.
Words at the beginning of sentences are capitalized, leading to the double counting of some words. As a result, words with both capitalized and lowercase initial letters are perceived as distinct entities in the counting process.
To address the issue of punctuation marks, a strategy can be implemented where specific punctuation marks to be excluded are specified. A loop is applied to the string, replacing each occurrence of a punctuation mark with an empty string. This approach ensures the exclusion of punctuations from the word counting process, allowing for accurate results.
Additionally, convering the entire string to lowercase can be done using the .lower()
def clean_string(input_string):
The function takes in a string containing punctuation marks and returns the
modified string without any punctuations.
input_string (str) - string containing punctuations
clean_string - string with punctuations replaced by empty string
check_list = [",",".",";",":","'",'"',"!","?"]
clean_string = input_string.lower()
for ch in check_list:
clean_string = clean_string.replace(ch,"")
return clean_string
this is my test text we are keeping this text short to keep things manageable
The count_words
function takes an input string and processes it to create a dictionary representing the word occurrences.
def count_words(the_string):
Count the number of times each word occurs in input string.
Returns a dictionary where keys are unique words and values are word counts.
the_string (str): Input string
word_count (dict): Dictionary of word count
word_count = {}
working_string = clean_string(the_string)
word_list = working_string.split()
for word in word_list:
if word in word_count:
word_count[word] += 1
word_count[word] = 1
return word_count
With the function successfully defined, it is now time to perform testing on the test string.
print("Input: {}\n".format(text))
Input: This is my test text. We are keeping this text short to keep things manageable.
{'this': 2, 'is': 1, 'my': 1, 'test': 1, 'text': 2, 'we': 1, 'are': 1, 'keeping': 1, 'short': 1, 'to': 1, 'keep': 1, 'things': 1, 'manageable': 1}
Counting the frequency of objects is such a common operation that Python provides a counter
tool, which has to be imported from the collection moddule.
The object returned by counter behaves much like a dictionary, although its a subclass of the Python dictionary object.
The task of counting object frequencies is a frequent operation in Python, and to facilitate this, Python offers a Counter
tool available in the collections
module, which needs to be imported for usage.
The Counter
object returned by this tool closely resembles a dictionary in behavior, despite being a subclass of the Python dictionary object.
from collections import Counter
def count_words_fast(the_string):
Count the occurrences of each word in the input string
using the 'Counter' tool.
the_string (str): The input string to be processed
for word counting
word_count (Counter): A 'Counter' object containing
unique words and their respective counts
working_string = clean_string(the_string.lower())
word_list = working_string.split(" ")
word_count = Counter(word_list)
return word_count
The function count_words_fast
returns a Counter
To verify whether the objects returned by count_words
and count_words_fast
are distinct or identical, a comparison is performed.
count_words_fast(text) == count_words(text)
The two different implementations of the same function return identical objects.
Working with books#
The read_book
function takes a path_title
as input, which represents the path location of the book to be read. It uses the open
function with the specified path to access and read the content of the book from the file.
def read_book(path_title):
The function reads a book from the path location and returns
it as a string.
path_title - path for a book
book - returns the book as a string
with open(path_title, "r", encoding="utf8") as current_file:
text =
book = text.replace("\n","").replace("\r","")
return book
import os
relative_path = "./books/"
hamlet_path = os.path.join(relative_path,'English/shakespeare/Hamlet.txt')
Upon examining the value returned by len
, it becomes evident that the read_book
function has read in 150838 for the English version of Hamlet.
hamlet = read_book(hamlet_path)
print("Number of characters: {}".format(len(hamlet)))
Number of characters: 150838
Let’s check the famous quote To be or not to be
can be found in the Hamlet file.
hamlet_quote = "To be or not to be"
The .find
method helps in identifying the index position of a substring within a given string. If the substring is present in the string, the method returns the first index of occurrence. Otherwise, it returns -1.
# line 1
start_ind = hamlet.find(hamlet_quote)
# line 2
hamlet[start_ind : start_ind + 50 ]
'To be or not to be that is the QuestionWhether tis'
Line 1
First, the .find
method is used to search for the first occurrence of hamlet_quote
substring within hamlet
. The index position of the first character of the substring (if found) is stored in the variable start_ind
Line 2
Next, the substring is extracted from hamlet
using string indexing. The start index is given by start_ind
and the stop index extends up to the next 50 characters.
Computing Word Frequency Statistics#
The objective of word_stats
function is to determine the total count of unique words present in the book and obtain the frequencies of each word.
def word_stats(book_title):
Function takes in a book title as it's input and returns the
number of unique word and frequencies of each word.
book_title (str) - Name of the book
A tuple object is returned
num_unique (int) - Number of unique words
counts (int) - Frequency of each unique word
word_count = count_words(book_title)
num_unique = len(word_count)
counts = word_count.values()
return (num_unique, counts)
hamlet_stats = word_stats(hamlet)
hamlet_unique = hamlet_stats[0]
hamlet_total = sum(hamlet_stats[1])
print("Hamlet (English) - Unique Words: {} | Total Words: {}".format(hamlet_unique,hamlet_total))
Hamlet (English) - Unique Words: 6775 | Total Words: 26701
can be used to make a comparison between Shakespeare’s Hamlet in English and it’s German translation. This comparison will involve analyzing the unique word counts and word frequencies in both versions of the book.
hamlet_german_path = os.path.join(relative_path,"German/shakespeare/Hamlet.txt")
hamlet_german = read_book(hamlet_german_path)
german_hamlet_stats = word_stats(hamlet_german)
german_hamlet_unique = german_hamlet_stats[0]
german_hamlet_total = sum(german_hamlet_stats[1])
print("Hamlet (English) - Unique Words: {} | Total Words: {}".format(hamlet_unique,hamlet_total))
print("Hamlet (German) - Unique Words: {} | Total Words: {}".format(german_hamlet_unique,german_hamlet_total))
Hamlet (English) - Unique Words: 6775 | Total Words: 26701
Hamlet (German) - Unique Words: 9469 | Total Words: 30689
English version of Hamlet contains 6775
unique words out of a total of 26701
words. On the other hand, the German translation of Hamlet consits of 9469
unique words among a total of 30689
This difference may be attributed to the inherent linguistic differences between the two languages and the nuances introduced during the translation process.
Reading Multiple Files#
The next step is to systematically read and process each book stored within distinct subdirectories located within our designated book folder.
The directory for books, which is stored in relative_path
contains the four languages: English, German, French and Portuguese.
['.DS_Store', 'German', 'English', 'Portuguese', 'French']
Helper Function#
The listdir_nohidden
function lists all non-hidden files present within a specified directory.
The function takes path
as input, representing the directory to be scanned. It then iterates through the files in the directory using os.listdir
. For each file, the function checks if it starts with a dot (indicating a hidden file).
If the file is not hidden, it is appended to the list of files file_list
def listdir_nohidden(path):
List all non-hidden files in the specified directory.
path (str): The path of the directory to be scanned for
non-hidden files
file_list (list): A list of non-hidden files
file_list = []
for file in os.listdir(path):
if not file.startswith('.'):
return file_list
# Using 'listdir_nohidden' to print all the languages
print('Languages: {}'.format(listdir_nohidden(relative_path)))
# Using 'listdir_nohidden' to print all the French authors
print("French Authors: {}".format(listdir_nohidden(relative_path + "/French")))
Languages: ['German', 'English', 'Portuguese', 'French']
French Authors: ['de Maupassant', 'diderot', 'chevalier', 'shakespeare', 'sand']
The first loop iterates over the different languages.
The first loop iterates over the different languages.
The second loop is going through the author directory, which is created by concatenating strings of book directory path relative_path
with current language
The innermost loop is used to loop over different book titles. The title
variable that iterates through the book title directory is obtained by concatenating relative_path
with currenth language
and current author
# looping over languages
for language in listdir_nohidden(relative_path):
# looping over authors
for author in listdir_nohidden(relative_path + "/" + language):
# looping over book titles
for title in listdir_nohidden(relative_path + "/" + language + "/" + author):
book_path = relative_path + "/" + language + "/" + author + "/" + title
book = read_book(book_path)
unique_words, total_words = word_stats(book)
#print("Title: {} | Unique Words: {}".format(title[:-4],unique_words))
#print("Title: {} | Author: {}".format(title[:-4],author))
Book Stats Table#
Let’s create a table for the books that will have the following columns:
* Language
* Author
* Title
* Length
* Unique
table_columns = ['Author', 'Title', 'Language', 'Length', 'Unique']
def book_stats(column_list, relative_dir):
Generate a pandas DataFrame containing statistics for books
in different languages and authors.
column_list (list): A list containing the column names for
the DataFrame (table)
relative_dir (str): The book directory
table (pd.DataFrame) - DataFrame containing book statistics
import pandas as pd
table = pd.DataFrame(columns = column_list)
row_num = 1
for language in listdir_nohidden(relative_dir):
for author in listdir_nohidden(relative_dir + "/" + language):
for title in listdir_nohidden(relative_dir + "/" + language + "/" + author):
book_path = os.path.join(relative_dir + "/" + language + "/" + author + "/" + title)
book = read_book(book_path)
unique_words, total_words = word_stats(book)
table.loc[row_num] = author.title(), title.replace(".txt",""), language, sum(total_words), unique_words
row_num += 1
return table
stats = book_stats(table_columns,relative_path)
(102, 5)
The .shape
attribute of DataFrame object returns the number of rows contained in the dataframe and the number of columns.
In this case, the stats
dataframe contains 102 rows and 5 columns.
Looking at the first five and the last five entries of the stats
Author | Title | Language | Length | Unique | |
1 | Schiller | Wallensteins Lager | German | 13302 | 4240 |
2 | Schiller | die braut von messina | German | 22349 | 6344 |
3 | Schiller | Der Parasit, oder die Kunst, sein GlÅck zu ma... | German | 18515 | 5918 |
4 | Schiller | Die Verschwîrung des Fiesco zu Genua | German | 28042 | 9995 |
5 | Schiller | Kabale und Liebe | German | 28433 | 9607 |
Author | Title | Language | Length | Unique | |
98 | Sand | La Marquise | French | 14529 | 4755 |
99 | Sand | L' Orco | French | 8558 | 3134 |
100 | Sand | Mattea | French | 20902 | 6390 |
101 | Sand | Metella | French | 19411 | 5645 |
102 | Sand | Oeuvres illustrÇes de George Sand | French | 22545 | 7441 |
Plotting Book Statistics#
The process of extracting data from specific columns of a dataframe is achieved using the column names as identifiers. By referencing the desired column names, we can retrieve the data contained in those specific columns.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
The rows of the stats
dataframe are filtered to extract statistics for Hamlet
. The extracted data is stored in the dataframe hamlet_stats
hamlet_stats = stats[stats["Title"] == "Hamlet"]
Author | Title | Language | Length | Unique | |
34 | Shakespeare | Hamlet | German | 30689 | 9469 |
40 | Shakespeare | Hamlet | English | 26701 | 6775 |
58 | Shakespeare | Hamlet | Portuguese | 29860 | 9491 |
The book statistics stored in stats
is used to create a plot where the length of the books are plotted along the horizontal axis and the number of unique words are plotted along the vertical axis.
plt.title("Book Stats")
plt.ylabel("Unique Words");
The generated plot provides a visualization into the distribution of unique words among all the books, spanning from just under 5000 unique words to nearly 40000 unique words.
The books are categorized based on their languages, and the plot is rendered using the loglog
method. This particular method modifies the scaling of both the horizontal and vertical axes, enabling a logarithmicscale representation of the data.
# plotting English books
subset = stats[stats['Language']=="English"]
# plotting French books
subset = stats[stats["Language"]=="French"]
# plotting Portuguese books
subset = stats[stats["Language"]=="Portuguese"]
# plotting German books
subset = stats[stats["Language"]=="German"]
# tidying up the plot by giving titles,
# axis labels and legend
plt.title("Book Statistics");
plt.xlabel("Book Length")
plt.ylabel("Number of Unique Words")
Upon categorizing the book statistics by language and plotting the data, a more insightful perspective regarding book length and unique word count is obtained. Notably, a Portuguese book stands out with 40000 unique words, while a German book displays a relatively small count of 1724 unique words.
The plot effectively illustrates that Portuguese books in this dataset tend to exhibit a higher number of unique words when compared to other languages.
Investigating ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’#
The primary objective is to analyze and visualize the distribution of word frequencies of A Midsummer Night's Dream
for these five translations: English, French, German, Dutch and Finnish.
Specifically, the aim is to accomplish these following tasks:
Data Collection: Gather the text data for various translations of the play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.
Word Frequency Distribution: Process the text data to identify the frequency of each word in the different translations.
Summary Statistics - Create summary statistics, such as mean, median, and standard deviation, to gain insights into the characteristics of the text for each translation.
Data Visualization - Create visual representations to visually depict the word frequency distribution and summary statistics for each translation.
Task 1#
The data from a CSV file will be imported into a pandas dataframe using the pd.read_csv
The index_col
argument will be utilized to set the first column in the CSV file as the index for the dataframe. This will ensure appropriate indexing for efficient data access and manipulation during subsequent analysis and visualization.
import pandas as pd
import os
import numpy as np
from collections import Counter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
file_loc = os.path.join("./",'midsummer.csv')
summer_nights = pd.read_csv(file_loc, index_col = 0)
The dataframe is structured with two columns: Language
, denoting the langauage of translation, and Text
, signifying the corresponding book content.
Language | Text | |
0 | French | ACTE PREMIERSCÈNE ILa scène représente un appa... |
1 | German | The Project Gutenberg EBook of Ein Sommernach... |
2 | Finnish | ENSIMMÄINEN NÄYTÖS.Ensimmäinen kohtaus. Ate... |
3 | Dutch | EERSTE TOONEEL.Athene. Een Zaal in het paleis ... |
4 | English | A Midsommer Nights DreameActus primusEnter The... |
Task 2#
Computing the word frequency dictionary for the given
using thecount_words_fast
function. The resulting dictionary is stored ascounted_text
.Creating a pandas dataframe named
.Utilizing the
dictionary to define two columns in thedata
: containing each unique word present in thetext
: representing the frequency of occurrence of each word
def count_words_fast(text):
Cleans the input text by replacing punctuations with empty string.
The function also counts the occurrence of each word in the input text.
text (str): The input text
Counter: A Counter object containing word frequencies
text = text.lower()
skips = [".",",",";",":","'",'"',"\n","!","?","(",")"]
for ch in skips:
text = text.replace(ch,"")
word_counts = Counter(text.split(" "))
return word_counts
data = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Word","Count"])
For the time being, we are looking at the word count statistics only for French translation.
language, text = summer_nights.iloc[0]
counted_text = count_words_fast(text)
val = 0
for ele in counted_text:
data.loc[val] = ele, counted_text[ele]
val += 1
Task 3#
Introducing a new column named
into thedata
dataframe. This column represents the length of each word listed in theword
column.Adding another column named
. The values in this column will be determined as follows:If the
for a word is greater than 10, label:frequent
If the
for a word is between 1 and 10 (exclusive), label:infrequent
If the
for a word is exactly 1, label:unique
# adding the new columns to data
data = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Word','Count','Length','Frequency'])
# resetting the row index
val = 0
# looping through all the words
for ele in counted_text:
# condition 1
if counted_text[ele] > 10:
data.loc[val] = ele, counted_text[ele],len(ele),"frequent"
# condition 2
elif counted_text[ele] > 1 and counted_text[ele] <= 10:
data.loc[val] = ele, counted_text[ele], len(ele), "infrequent"
# condition 3
elif counted_text[ele] == 1:
data.loc[val] = ele, counted_text[ele], len(ele), "unique"
val += 1
unique_len = len(data.loc[data["Frequency"] == "unique"])
frequent_len = len(data.loc[data['Frequency'] == "frequent"])
infrequent_len = len(data.loc[data['Frequency'] == "infrequent"])
print("Word Stats for French Translation")
print("Frequent Words: {} | Infrequent Words: {} | Unique Words: {}".format(frequent_len, infrequent_len, unique_len))
Word Stats for French Translation
Frequent Words: 187 | Infrequent Words: 1183 | Unique Words: 4387
Task 4#
Creating a pandas dataframe named sub_data
for calculating the following word statistics:
: indicating the mean word length for each valuenum_words
: representing the total number of words in each frequency category
The dataframe will also contain these columns:
: containing a list of string descriptions for word frequencylanguage
: representing the language of the text
sub_data = pd.DataFrame(columns = ["Language","Frequency","Mean Word Length","Num Words"])
frequency_list = ["frequent","infrequent","unique"]
#calculating the mean word length for each frequency
the_length = 0
mean_dict = {}
# looping over all three categories of word frequencies
for freq in frequency_list:
# extracting the data for each word frequencies
temporary_df = data.loc[data["Frequency"] == freq]
# iterating through each word belonging
# to a particular frequency
for i in range(len(temporary_df)):
# calculating the sum of word lengths
# and storing them in 'the_length'
val = temporary_df.iloc[i]["Length"]
the_length += val
# calculating mean word length by dividing
# 'the_length' by number of entries
mean_dict[freq] = (the_length / len(temporary_df))
the_length = 0
row_count = 0
for freq_type in frequency_list:
sub_data.loc[row_count] = language, freq_type, mean_dict[freq_type], len(data.loc[data["Frequency"] == freq_type])
row_count += 1
Language Frequency Mean Word Length Num Words
0 French frequent 4.053476 187
1 French infrequent 6.224852 1183
2 French unique 9.719170 4387
Task 5#
Creating a pandas dataframe grouped_data
to work with different translation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Iterating through the rows of
, the following task will be performed:Extracting the
values from thei-th
row ofhamlets
using the.iloc
method, storing them in variablesInvoking the
function with thelanguage
variables, storing them insub_data
Appending the
dataframe togrouped_data
function, ensuring the data is consolidated row-wise
Helper Function#
The summarize_text
function takes the language
and text
as input and computes the word frequency and characteristics of the provided text.
def summarize_text(language,text):
Summarizes the word frequency and characteristics of the given text.
language (str): The language of the text
text (str): The input text
pandas.DataFrame: A dataframe containing the word frequency
and characteristics summary
counted_text = count_words_fast(text)
data = pd.DataFrame({"Word": list(counted_text.keys()),"Count": list(counted_text.values())})
data.loc[data["Count"] > 10, "frequency"] = "frequent"
data.loc[data["Count"] <= 10, "frequency"] = "infrequent"
data.loc[data["Count"] == 1, "frequency"] = "unique"
data["Length"] = data["Word"].apply(len)
subset_data = pd.DataFrame({
"Language": language,
"Frequency": ["frequent","infrequent","unique"],
"Mean Word Length": data.groupby(by="frequency")["Length"].mean(),
"Num Words": data.groupby(by = 'frequency').size()
return subset_data
grouped_data = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(len(summer_nights)):
language, text = summer_nights.iloc[i]
sub_data = summarize_text(language,text)
grouped_data = grouped_data.append(sub_data);
/var/folders/yr/xs9chqf96k95nh97118j_s7m0000gn/T/ipykernel_20864/ FutureWarning: The frame.append method is deprecated and will be removed from pandas in a future version. Use pandas.concat instead.
grouped_data = grouped_data.append(sub_data);
/var/folders/yr/xs9chqf96k95nh97118j_s7m0000gn/T/ipykernel_20864/ FutureWarning: The frame.append method is deprecated and will be removed from pandas in a future version. Use pandas.concat instead.
grouped_data = grouped_data.append(sub_data);
/var/folders/yr/xs9chqf96k95nh97118j_s7m0000gn/T/ipykernel_20864/ FutureWarning: The frame.append method is deprecated and will be removed from pandas in a future version. Use pandas.concat instead.
grouped_data = grouped_data.append(sub_data);
/var/folders/yr/xs9chqf96k95nh97118j_s7m0000gn/T/ipykernel_20864/ FutureWarning: The frame.append method is deprecated and will be removed from pandas in a future version. Use pandas.concat instead.
grouped_data = grouped_data.append(sub_data);
/var/folders/yr/xs9chqf96k95nh97118j_s7m0000gn/T/ipykernel_20864/ FutureWarning: The frame.append method is deprecated and will be removed from pandas in a future version. Use pandas.concat instead.
grouped_data = grouped_data.append(sub_data);
Filtering the dataframe to display only the rows corresponding to the Finnish translation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
print(grouped_data.loc[grouped_data["Language"] == "Finnish"])
Language Frequency Mean Word Length Num Words
frequent Finnish frequent 4.261364 88
infrequent Finnish infrequent 5.994904 785
unique Finnish unique 9.941060 4547
Filtering the dataframe to display the rows representing words that occur frequently in different translations.
Among the languages, Finnish
exhibits a comparatively lower frequency of frequent words (88), while the other languages show relatively higher frequencies.
print(grouped_data.loc[grouped_data["Frequency"] == "frequent"])
Language Frequency Mean Word Length Num Words
frequent French frequent 4.053476 187
frequent German frequent 3.872222 180
frequent Finnish frequent 4.261364 88
frequent Dutch frequent 3.754286 175
frequent English frequent 3.882682 179
Task 6#
Plotting the word statistics for each translations on a single plot.
colors = {"Dutch": "green", "English": "blue", "German": "red", "Finnish": "magenta", "French": "cyan"}
markers = {"frequent": "o", "infrequent": "s", "unique": "^"}
for k in range(grouped_data.shape[0]):
row = grouped_data.iloc[k]
plt.plot(row["Mean Word Length"],row["Num Words"],marker = markers[row["Frequency"]],
color = colors[row["Language"]], markersize = 10)
color_legend = []
marker_legend = []
for color in colors:
color = colors[color],
marker = "o",
markersize = 10,
linestyle = "None"))
for marker in markers:
color = "k",
marker = markers[marker],
label = marker,
markersize = 10,
linestyle = "None"))
plt.legend(numpoints=1, loc = "upper left")
plt.xlabel("Mean Word Length")
plt.ylabel("Number of Words");
In the analysis comparing various translations of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, notable distinctions emerge among the different languages.
translation stands out with the highest count ofunique
words, signifying it’s linguistic richness. TheEnglish
version displays distinct differences, both in terms of the count of unique words and word lengths, setting it apart from the remaining languages.For
words, the translations inDutch
exhibit similarities in usage patterns. TheEnglish
version diverges by demonstrating shorter word lengths. In contrast,Finnish
translation demonstrates the lowest occurrence of infrequent words among all languages.Regarding
words, an intriguing convergence emerges across all five languages.German
share a significant overlap. Additionally, theDutch
version distinguishes itself slightly by showcasing shortest word lengths, whileFinnish
translations exhibit longest word lengths.